Sunday, May 24, 2009

World Wide Photo Walk -- Boston

On July 18th, Scott Kelby & company are hosting the 2nd annual World Wide Photo Walk. Photo walks are a great way to meet other photographers and make new friends. The Kelby WWPW is a great opportunity at getting many people involved, all at no cost. The walks are all organized locally by walk leaders using the WWPW website as a centralized point of information. The walks are limited to 50 people each, but many cities including Boston will have multiple walks.

This year I am happy to say that I'm hosting a walk along Boston Harbor, from the Seaport District to the North End along the harbor walk. The walk I'm leading filled up in just over 48 hours which is fantastic. Even Scott Kelby's assistant, the other Brad Moore, took notice saying,

"I have to say that I’m both proud of and happy for Brad Moore. No, not me. The other Brad Moore, who is leading one of the Boston photo walks! His walk is at capacity, and I’m sure all of you who signed up for his walk will have a great day. We had the pleasure of meeting at Photoshop World not too long ago, and he’s a really nice guy. But not to fear, Bostonians! There are two other walks in your city with plenty of room left, so check them out here and here."

One of these days we'll have to figure out who has to be the "other" Brad Moore, but for now I'll assume it isn't me. :D


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